Whois-protection possible?

The address data has to be correct when ordering a domain. This contains the name, address and the mobile number. We will check manually if those correspond to truth.

Protecting domain-data

Since the beginning of 2017 we are providing a special service on demand. This is to protect the data of the owner in the public net. Therefor the relevant whois-data will be replaced by a whois-protection-company. This provides a fully anonymity and the possible contact requests will be forwarded to you.

We can provide this for the following domain endings:

  • .net
  • .org
  • .com
  • .info
  • .biz
  • .co
  • .mobi
  • .tv
  • .name

Already existing protection for domains from the EU

Other endings can’t use the whois-protection.

Because of the GDPR guidelines, domain names within the EU region can not give an insight to your data. So this will not be seen online.

When is my Domain ready?

The first domain order of a customer has to be manually checked by an employee because:

  • We have to make sure that every personal data is existing and correct. Otherwise we can not accept the order.
  • Usually the domain owner is responsible for the correct use. We, as the provider do not want that the responsibility for the activities that happen on the service falls back on us – this would be the case if there is missing data.
  • The payment providers also take their part in this list. It has often happened in the past that the bookings with the payment service provider were revoked after the immediate provision of a domain. Since registrars charge us the domain fees directly when a domain has been registered, we need to make sure that the data is correct and the transaction safe.

These problems partly come as a result of our anonymous prepaid-system. Customers only have to store any data at purchases of domain bookings.

So please understand that we may need a bit more time to register your domain. Besides that, the worldwide DNS updates can take up to 24 hours but we promise that you will not experience any disadvantages as a result.

If you still have questions regarding this topic, please contact our support.

Why is a DNS-update taking so long?

In this article we will explain to you why a DNS-update is taking so long and how your internet provider or DNS-service is included in this process.

While you are surfing through the internet, you use a domain to reach a certain website. Therefore the DNS-service is working in the background – it resolves the domain to an IP-address. Behind this IP-address a server is processing the requests and makes the desired website available.

If you want to provide a website with your domain from your vServer or your webspace, the domain has to resolve to the IP-address of your service. That’s why you have to connect your domain and your webspace or server.

These DNS-changes will be deposited in our Kramer-DNS nameserver. But your DNS-resolver won’t call up the nameserver of your domain provider every time as you are connecting to a website. To keep queries to these servers as low as possible – all DNS servers temporarily store the DNS entries of the domains. This is why the providers don’t instantly notice changes in the entries. Generally, most providers (e.g. windstream internet service provider) store them for 12-72 hours to ensure quick loading of the website.

Even Google ( or Cloudflare ( are using techniques like this.

Please be patient with the time the changes will take. This applies as well for SRV entries or if you change your domain’s nameserver.

Time-To-Live for DNS changes

Each DNS entry also has a TTL (Time To Live) specification. This specifies how many seconds another DNS server may cache this entry before it can query our name server again for the current content. We have set the value to 12 hours. But most ISP cache DNS servers ignore it. That’s why we decided to make this value not adjustable for customers.

Do you offer DNSSEC?

Unfortunately, due to technical reasons, we do not offer DNSSEC.

Implementing this feature would require a significant modification to our nameservers, and as it is not in high demand, it is not cost-effective for us to do so at this time.

If you have your own nameservers in operation, you can send us your key. We will then enter it into our registrar for you.

Redirection without Webhosting

First, you need to go into the DNS-settings of your domain to redirect the subdomain to another URL.

Click on “New Redirection” (dt: “Neue Weiterleitung”)

In the form you enter your data as following:

NameyoutubeThe subdomain for the redirect
Destinationhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/XYZThe entire URL must be entered completely
ProtocolFilled in automatically if URL is provided with protocol

Save the entry – then your redirect will get processed in the background.

Root-domain and wildcard-redirection

  • If you want to redirect to a root domain (without www. ) – just leave the name field empty
  • You can use “*” as the name – if you want to redirect every subdomain. The root-domain won’t redirect with this step. You could also enter a new entry without a name.
New redirection

Please notice that the changes can take up to 24 hours until it works properly.

Further information about the DNS-updates can be found here: Warum dauert ein DNS Update so lange?

What’s the meaning of a premium domain?

A domain can only get registered if they aren’t already owned by any other one.

Sometimes there’s the case that you may be excited as your wanted domain is set on ”available”. But that’s not particularly true – often we have to cancel orders like this.

Premium Domain

A premium domain has a high price difference compared to normal domains. For example “fast.download” – this domain is not belonging to anyone – but you could also not buy it for a normal price. That’s because of its simplicity. For cases like this there is an intern list of words which can’t be used in domains that easy.

Register a premium domain

Sadly it is not technically possible to recognize such a premium domain in advance. If you have tried to register a premium domain, we have to cancel the process and will give you the money back as credit on you account.

We can also check how expensive your domain would be – but you should also be prepared for at least a three-digit amount. If you still have any questions regarding premium domains please let us know!

Connecting a domain to Minecraft

Here is a short guide about how to connect your own domain to your Minecraft-server:

  • Log in into your webinterface and choose your domain at the taskbar on the right.
  • Click on DNS-Settings.
  • Click on the button ” + new SRV entry”.
  • Now you choose Minecraft as your service.
  • Fill in the following fields:
    • Subdomain: You can either fill in your subdomain or keep the field empty. – If you fill in nothing you can connect your domain without any prefixed subdomain.
    • IP: Enter the address (domain or IP) of your Minecraft server. Without port.
  • Target-port: Enter the Port of the Minecraft-server. Default: 25565
  • Now save your form.
Connect a domain to Minecraft

How can I cancel a domain?

It’s not necessary to separately cancel a domain. If the bill of the domain won’t be paid, it will be cancelled automatically.

But if you want to quit the domain instantly, you can request it in your webinterface. You can also do that shortly before the domain expires to feel extra safe.

All you have to do is click on ”Domains” and on ”manage domains” (-> dt. ”Domains verwalten”).

Active domain list

The active domain listing gives you several options. Click on the corresponding row the remove symbol to open a form.

Domain cancel form

Fill in the form and send it off – the cancellation will be queued for the next midnight.

Please notice: A domain cancellation is permanent – the domain can’t be registered again for 30-60 days after the day of cancellation.

How can I change the nameserver?

When it comes to domains, you have probably heard the term nameserver before. In general, a domain always requires at least two nameservers.

What is a nameserver?

A nameserver responds to DNS queries for a domain. There are different types of nameservers.

Authoritative nameserver

An authoritative nameserver is the nameserver responsible for a domain. For example, when you order a domain from Prepaid-Hoster, we set our 3 kramer-dns.de servers as authoritative nameservers. These are then the main nameservers for your ordered domain. All DNS records are stored here.

But you can also use your own nameservers. For example, Cloudflare. There is also the option to use your own infrastructure. It is important that all nameservers respond with a valid SOA record.

There are rules for your own nameservers:

  • The nameservers must return a valid SOA for the domain (authoritative)
  • All nameservers must return the same records
  • You must operate at least 2 nameservers with different IPs
  • Advantageous: The nameservers are provided by two different providers

Recursive nameserver

A recursive nameserver is equivalent to a cache nameserver. To prevent a domain nameserver from suffering from the load of many queries, your internet provider inserts its own nameservers, which cache queries. The most well-known ones are Google DNS ( and Cloudflare DNS ( These servers cannot be used as nameservers for a domain.

Changing domain nameservers

Log in to the web interface and navigate to the domain list. Then click on “Nameserver” for the domain for which you want to change the nameservers.

Then click on “Edit” to set new nameservers.

A form will open. Please enter an authoritative nameserver that you want to set.

Change nameserver form

By clicking on “Next”, Vionity checks the other nameservers based on the NS entries in the entered server and suggests setting them. If the nameserver is not accessible, does not respond, or does not know your domain, the process fails.

Set and use recognized nameservers

By clicking on “Set these nameservers” the change is submitted to our registrar. This can take a few minutes, but it is processed in the background.

Your nameservers should become active within the next 24 hours.

Glue records

If you need a glue record, please contact our support. We will need the nameserver domains and associated IP addresses. We will set it up for you as soon as possible.