Change game server port

If you change the SSH port of your server, the game server manager can no longer access your server. Because it does not know the new port. Our gameserver manager uses your root access with an SSH key to manage the server and execute scripts (e.g. start/stop).

So you have to adjust the port. This is not that difficult. Just go to the game server overview of your vServer.

Gameserver Manager Overview

Then click on the settings icon in the tile of each game server where you want to change the SSH port.

Change port

Then change the SSH port to the SSH port you set. Save.

Changed SSH game server port

Now your SSH port is changed and you can continue managing your server!

Domain Status: Pending Transfer

When you move a domain to Prepaid-Hoster, it usually happens quite quickly.

During the domain transfer, however, some TLDs (top-level domains) may experience a so-called “pending transfer” phase, which can last up to 7 days.

During this time, the current registrar checks the domain transfer and makes sure that all the information is correct. If there are no problems during this phase, the domain transfer is completed and the domain is transferred to the future registrar. For our part, we have no influence on the duration of a transfer.

If you have placed a domain transfer order and the status “Pending Transfer” is displayed, we recommend you to be patient. Our most popular TLDs (.DE and .EU) are automatically transferred to us within seconds of the transfer request, but for TLDs such as .NET and .COM the transfer process can take up to 7 days, which may result in a temporary “pending transfer” status. However, if you need more information, I will be happy to provide you with the current status of the transfer at any time.

Why does my invoice not have VAT?

The invoices for our servers, domains and licenses are generally paid with your account credit. Since VAT is already charged when you top up your account, it is not charged on the service invoices. For this reason, no VAT will be shown on some of your invoices.

Therefore applies:

  • Top up credit: Value added tax shown
  • Buy/renew server: No VAT shown

(Where) can I get invoices with VAT?

Yes, when you make a transaction or top up your account balance, VAT will be shown and included on the corresponding invoice. You can download these invoices from the web interface at

Overall, it is normal that invoices for our servers, domains and licenses do not include VAT, as this is already charged when you top up your credit.

If you have further questions about your invoices or need an invoice with VAT, you can always contact our customer support.

How long is my credit valid?

If you load credit and do not use it, it will not lose its validity. You can use it at any time as long as you have an active account with us.

However, please note that according to the GDPR we may have to remove the data of inactive customer accounts. In this case, we would contact you by mail 30 days before deactivating your account.

Can I renew my server in advance?

Sadly, it is not possible to renew your server in advance. This is because our system would conflict with immediate server cancellations. If you want to cancel your server, you will get back the balance of the remaining term.

How is the renewal of my server done?

Your server will be renewed automatically if there are enough credits on your account 7 days before the expiration date. If there is not enough credit, the server will not be renewed and will be automatically cancelled after the expiration date. However, you can recharge your account at any time and extend the server by paying the invoice.

Can I change the billing cycle?

When ordering a server, you have to choose a billing cycle. Depending on the chosen duration, you will receive a price advantage.

Price advantages

Interval Advantage
Monthly No advantage
Quarterly (3 months) No advantage
Semi-annually (6 months) 5% discount (included in the price)
Annually (12 months) 10% discount (included in the price)
Discounts for selected durations

Changing the cycle

If you want to change the cycle, you can do so by submitting a request to our support. A staff member will then change the cycle for you. Please note that the new cycle will only take effect from the next renewal.

Where do I find your Discord server?

Server address

Our Prepaid-Hoster Discord Server can be found on There you will find a nice community, which will help you with questions and problems. Also the developer of the webinterface and supporters are active on the server and are ready to help you with words and deeds.

PPH Discord Server


Do you already know our hot only fans account? A teaser:

Rules of our Discord server

  • We tolerate only a good tone and friendly cooperation.
  • For reports or rule violations, use the report function of the bots, do not write to an owner, team member or moderator privately about it.
  • The Discord server is not an official support channel.
  • Team and community members may not be contacted personally/privately about problems with Prepaid-Hoster services, only by explicit invitation.
  • IP addresses, domains and personal data should not be posted if possible.
  • Only “Family Friendly” content may be posted. This also applies to the offtopic area.
  • We do not allow any advertising for our own servers, sites, projects and especially other hostings.
  • Please remain friendly at all times, even in case of failures or problems. We guarantee that we will do our best!
  • Channels should be used for the intended topics. Offtopic may be written in the general channel.
  • Feedback should always be constructive and not destructive.
  • Team members and mods may enforce these rules at their discretion.
  • Offering credit, bartering, or similar of any kind is prohibited.

How to register?

Prepaid-Hoster: registration and login for domain and server usage

It is not actually intended that customers can register without buying an active service. Because what for? An account with Prepaid-Hoster only really makes sense once you have booked a domain or a server.

However, there are a few exceptions, which we of course take into account.

Registration via shopping cart

You can register with Prepaid-Hoster at the following web URL:

Register at Prepaid-Hoster

When you register, you need to verify your email address. We will send you a link that you must click on.

Log in to the web interface

After you have successfully created your account, you can log in to the web interface at

Now you have access to the web interface and from there you can top up credits, order servers, contact support or manage others’ servers (via the unlock code).

How can I delete my account?

If you want to delete your account, there are a few steps to follow. First, you need to cancel all services such as servers and domains, and they must no longer be active. If you have any remaining credit on your account, it will expire when you delete your account. Please note that before deleting your account, you should contact customer support to start the process.

How does the deletion of my account work?

Once you have contacted customer support, your account and all personal data will be anonymized according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means that your personal data, such as name and address, will be removed from our systems. Please note that we must comply with legal deadlines for the retention of invoices and transaction information, so these cannot be deleted.

What happens to my personal data?

Your personal data will be anonymized and removed from our systems in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). After anonymizing your data, login will be disabled.

Can I reactivate my account after it has been deleted?

No, it is not possible to restore a deleted account. According to the GDPR, once an account has been deleted, anonymized, or pseudonymized, there is no longer a way to assign the account to a natural person. However, if you wish to use our services again, you can create a new account and order the desired services.

How long does the account deletion process take?

After you have submitted a request to delete your account, a customer support representative will anonymize it immediately. Once the account has been anonymized, login and any form of contact will no longer be possible. Due to technical processes, it may take up to 24 hours for anonymization to be fully completed in all systems. Please note that anonymization is done automatically.

How do I get an API Key?

Get API key for Prepaid-Hoster API – FAQs

API key for the Prepaid-Hoster API:

Currently there is no direct way to get an API key for the Prepaid-Hoster API.

Beta test registration

However, you can sign up for the beta program on our Discord server and get an API key. You can then test the API and provide your feedback. Please note that we only distribute access to active customers.

Advantages of the API

With our API, you can perform a variety of actions that are normally available through the web interface. Here are some examples of what you can do with our API:

  • Manage hosting accounts and domains: with our API you’ll be able to create, delete and update servers, as well as add or remove domains. This will allow you to perform these tasks automatically and save time.
  • Manage orders and invoices: You can manage all orders and invoices through the API and also create new orders. This simplifies the processing of orders and reduces manual tasks.
  • Transaction management: You can manage transactions and initiate payments through the API. This can be useful if you want to set up automated payments or process transaction data in your own system.

By using our API, you have the advantage of automating time-consuming manual tasks, leaving you more time for other tasks. You can also facilitate the integration of different systems and thus increase the efficiency of your project.
