Can I Advertise for You?

Of course, gladly!

It’s great if you want to promote Prepaid-Hoster. In this FAQ article, we provide you with some useful information.

Positive Advertising

Your advertising should always be positive. This means it should highlight the advantages and strengths of our services. By the way, the best advertisement is your own experience! We also don’t mind constructive criticism.

The Advertising is Free

Unfortunately, there is no money for it, but we really appreciate your support! If you are curious to know if your advertising is working, we can provide you with a tracking link. Please note that this is not an affiliate system.

Logos and Designs

Our Square 💙

As a company, we want our brand to be recognizable. This is achieved through what’s called Corporate Identity. You can find information about our colors, fonts, and guidelines under PPH Logo and Colors

You can use our square logo or one of the logos with text:

  • Option 1: Our Square
  • Option 2: Prepaid Hoster with logo and text horizontally
  • Option 3: Prepaid Hoster with logo and text vertically

The logos are available in light and dark fonts. Please use either dark gray or white as the background color.

Logo without text
Logo without text
(PNG, 900×900)×900.png
Prepaid Hoster with logo and text horizontally for light background
Prepaid Hoster with logo and text horizontally for dark background
Prepaid Hoster with logo and text vertically for light background
Prepaid Hoster with logo and text vertically for dark background
Our Logos

Our Name

It is very important that you spell our name correctly. Here are your options:

  • Prepaid-Hoster
  • Prepaid Hoster

Even more important is that you call us “Hoster” and not “Host” 😉

Questions and Support

If you have any questions or want us to review your advertisement, just contact us through the ticket system.

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