How long does the provisioning process take?

When you order something from us, you don’t want to wait long. Generally, all services are provisioned immediately unless otherwise communicated (low stock, maintenance, etc.).

We provide information in the following table about the approximate wait time until you can start using a service after ordering it.

Provisioning Duration of our Servers

Service Duration More Information
OpenVZ vServer 1-2 minutes
KVM Root Server 2-4 minutes
KVM Windows Server 2-3 minutes + 15 minutes manual installation
Dedicated Server Linux 5-20 minutes Longer waiting times possible
Dedicated Server Windows 5-20 minutes Longer waiting times possible
+ 15 minutes manual installation
Web Hosting Package 2-3 minutes The first order with PSC will be manually reviewed by an employee

Provisioning Duration of Domains

Domain Duration More Information
Domain registration 5 minutes The first domain will be manually reviewed by an employee
Domain transfer 5 minutes For some TLDs, the transfer may take up to 7 days


Addon Duration More Information
Plesk License Immediately
Remote Storage Immediately
PPH Pro Immediately

If your order takes longer, feel free to contact us in support after waiting for some time. We will then provide you with information about how much longer it will approximately take.

Can I run a VPN server on my server?

Basically, it is okay to run your own VPN server on your vServer. However, there are some restrictions.

Restrictions on virtual servers

In order to continue offering traffic based on the Fair Use principle, we restrict some use cases on our vServers.

VPN can be used under the following conditions:

  • Only for private purposes
  • The VPN access is only used by yourself and is not publicly operated
  • On virtual servers under 10€, traffic should remain below 1TB/month
  • On all other virtual servers, the total traffic must not exceed 2.5TB/month

To bypass these restrictions, additional traffic can be booked.

How can credit be donated to me?

You run a project that can be financially supported by other members? Or does your friend want to give you some credit? No problem! With our donation link, you can receive credit.

Where can I find the donation link?

First, log in to the web interface.

Then scroll down to the bottom of the homepage in the customer area. You will find a box with the information about your donation link. Pretty hidden, right?

Donation details in the web interface

You can forward the link displayed there to your friends.

A donation page by

Can I change the displayed name?

Yes, you can! You just have to contact our support. We will then change the name on your donation page to a name of your choice. This way you can make sure that your “real name” does not have to be leaked.

Further important information

Please note that donated credit can never be refunded or transferred to another user account.

What is Prepaid Hoster Pro?

Prepaid Hoster Pro is a feature expansion package for our Cloud Manager. We constantly come up with new features that we want to provide to our customers. But at some point, this becomes a problem. More features usually mean increased prices for our servers.

In order for you to continue renting affordable servers, we have created this monthly subscription package where we include some of the new features. This way, customers can still use the familiar features with their servers or enjoy additional features with PPH Pro.

What are the benefits of PPH Pro?

Our web interface – with Prepaid Hoster Pro

Currently, Prepaid Hoster Pro Gen. 1 offers the following benefits:

  • Special modern logo in the web interface
  • Linux Auto Update Manager (NEW)
  • Linux Cronjob & Autostart Manager (NEW)
  • Statistics limit: 90 days instead of 30 days per server
  • Backup limit: 10 backups instead of 5 per server
  • Snapshot limit: 4 snapshots instead of 2 per server
  • Custom logo in the web interface (use your own branding)
  • Customizable design (not just the pre-defined ones)

What’s the future of PPH Pro?

We will continue to add new features to Prepaid Hoster Pro in the future. Each time we introduce a new feature, we change the generation. Currently, we have Prepaid Hoster Pro “Generation 1”.

Currently, we are working on the following features for future versions of PPH Pro:

  • Possible special conditions for specials
  • VHost/Redirection Manager for Apache2 in the Cloud Manager
  • Fail2Ban Manager in the Cloud Manager
  • IPTable/Firewall Manager in the Cloud Manager
  • Free storage extension with remote storage
  • Inclusive domains when purchasing PPH Pro
  • Priority monitoring with intervention in case of unexpected outages
  • Fine-tuning for server threshold values (e.g. info when Load > 2.5 or disk space > 80% occupied)

The features are not sorted by release date or development progress. The list may also change or expand constantly, so please do not consider any of the features as guaranteed. We strive for a high-quality standard, which naturally reflects in the development time.

Upgrade to the latest version

When the functionality expands, the price of the package will also increase. However, you are not forced to upgrade and can stay with the current generation until you decide to upgrade. When a new version is introduced, you will receive a worthwhile upgrade discount for a limited time.

Check out Prepaid Hoster Pro now!

What DDoS protection is available?

If you rent a virtual server from Prepaid-Hoster, you have access to various DDoS protection profiles to protect your applications.

If you are experiencing server accessibility issues due to an attack, you can activate permanent protection. Otherwise, your server is in automatic detection mode 24/7. If you believe your server is not being attacked but still not functioning, check here.

We monitor your server traffic around the clock for unwanted disturbances! DDoS protection is included with all virtual servers from Prepaid-Hoster.

DDoS protection settings

Which DDoS protection provider does Prepaid-Hoster use?

We use DDoS protection from SYNLINQ. Arbor Sightline ensures the availability of your server 24/7.

Which profiles are available?

You can view the status of your chosen AntiDDoS profile in the Cloud Manager. This value is an important part of your server, so we display it directly in the Cloud Manager.

  • Automatic protection
  • General permanent protection
  • Minecraft DDoS protection
  • TeamSpeak protection
  • GTA 5 (Five-M)
  • ALT:V
  • GTA:SA
  • ARK:SE
  • Steam games (General)

Notifications for attacks

You will receive an email from us if your server is under attack. You can also find information directly in the web interface.

Are there any disadvantages to DDoS protection?

No, there are no disadvantages. The ping may increase by 1-2 ms when protection is enabled. Other programs on the server may potentially cause false positives.

Can I use multiple profiles at once?

No. You can only choose one profile. If you have a service that requires specific protection, it should be on a separate vServer anyway.

Can I install Windows on a Game-Root?

No, it is not possible to install Windows on our Game-Root servers. We cannot make any exceptions in this matter.

Our Game-Root servers have a very powerful CPU performance. This performance belongs exclusively to you. In order to provide you with the best performance for the price, we have decided to only allow Linux operating systems on these servers. Windows consumes valuable resources and we want to avoid that.

If you cannot do without Windows but need sufficient performance, you should consider setting up a Dedicated Server. Although they do not match the CPU performance of the Game-Root servers, they are sufficient for most games on Windows.

Can I virtualise myself on my vServer?

No, virtualisation (Nested Virtualization) is disabled on our KVM servers. OpenVZ does not support this by default.

So there is no AMD-V or Intel-VT available. If you need a virtualised operating system, we recommend a dedicated server.

What do I need virtualisation for?

You can use virtualisation if you want to use additional operating systems on your server that act independently of the guest machine. The most commonly used technologies for this are, for example, Proxmox or Hyper-V.

Can I use Docker?

Docker does not require any virtualisation technology, as it is a containerisation. More information about Docker on vServers.


If you wish to host your own virtual machines, our dedicated servers are available to you. You can run virtualisation there without any restrictions.

Are all ports open?

Yes, all ports are open on our servers. You have no restrictions. The software firewall (iptables) is set to “ALLOW” by default.

So if you start a program on your Linux server that opens a port publicly, you do not need to explicitly open it. So you don’t need to perform explicit port forwarding, as you might have to do at home, for example.

It’s a bit different with Windows servers. There, you need to open the ports in the Windows firewall to be able to reach them from the outside.

My program is not accessible from the outside

If your program is not accessible from the outside, first check your firewall. Usually, however, the issue lies with the program’s listening method. If the port is open on “”, you can only access the port from the machine itself. You would need to either set your own IP address as the “bind” IP or use “”. This will make your program accessible from the outside.

We also have a separate article on making a MySQL Server accessible from the outside.

How do I install PHPMyAdmin on my server?

PHPMyAdmin is a popular web-based open source application designed to manage MySQL databases. It allows users to conveniently manage databases through a web-based graphical user interface (GUI).

You can install phpMyAdmin fully automatically with root access in our web interface on any debian-based Linux.

To do this, go to the Cloud Manager of your server.

Scroll down to the Actions and select “App Installer”. There you click on the “Web Server Utilities”.

Install webserver Utilities

In this dialogue you have to select everything. This is because phpMyAdmin requires a web server (apache2), the PHP script engine and the database software MariaDB/MySQL server.

Then click on Start installation.

Running Webserver Utilities installation

Now you only have to wait a short time until your installation is finished. You will then be shown all the data you need to access your database.

phpMyAdmin access details

How do I create a DKIM?

DKIM is an important method for securing email communication and preventing email fraud. In this article we will take a closer look at DKIM, how it works, why it is relevant for your Plesk server and how you can implement it effectively.

When sending and receiving emails through your Plesk-based hosting service, it is essential to ensure the security and authenticity of your emails. Read on to learn more about DKIM and how you can protect your email communications.

Required for many email providers

Mail providers, such as Google’s gmail, no longer accept emails without a valid DKIM. This is how companies proceed to protect their customers from mail spam.

Where can I find the DKIM in Plesk?

Step 1: Log in to Plesk and navigate to your domain. Click on the “Email” tab and then go to the “Email settings”.

Plesk E-Mail Settings

Step 2: In the settings, activate the check mark for “Use DKIM spam protection system to sign outgoing e-mail messages”. Then click “Apply”.

Step 3: Click on “Configure external DNS” to get the key information for your DKIM:


You need:

  • IN TXT "v=DKIM1; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDJzy799GTmmolxda8Zd+HF18w11Zjs3QiP4R7LvtBTe9saLVvowLoBWjXh3YFMcT7Cs07hAMVPjJdcYeHVaa9k7Yy7m+PXXraVlZKtOjPw8MqhV6zyOI6YQ+k1tzh6cq7Yvj1W/C7HyMMBsiXh4NUNq+ksh9s5k1uCyYYM4uO2WQIDAQAB;"
  • IN TXT "o=-"

How do I store the DKIM in the DNS Manager?

Now open Vionity and search for your domain in the navigation. Click on the corresponding DNS management.

Vionity Domain Management

Then click on “+entry”.

Add the default._domainkey key:

  • Record-Type: TXT
  • Name: default._domainkey
  • Content: The key provided by plesk "v=DKIM1; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDJzy799GTmmolxda8Zd+HF18w11Zjs3QiP4R7LvtBTe9saLVvowLoBWjXh3YFMcT7Cs07hAMVPjJdcYeHVaa9k7Yy7m+PXXraVlZKtOjPw8MqhV6zyOI6YQ+k1tzh6cq7Yvj1W/C7HyMMBsiXh4NUNq+ksh9s5k1uCyYYM4uO2WQIDAQAB;" (mit Anführungszeichen!)
  • Save!

Then create the _domainkey:

  • Record-Type: TXT
  • Name: _domainkey
  • Content: "o=-" (mit Anführungszeichen!)
  • Save!

Your DKIM is now stored. The reliability of your e-mail delivery is now increased. Please note, however, that there may still be problems with sending e-mails, as many other factors play a role.