Can I order additional IP addresses?

You can order multiple IP addresses for each Dedicated Server through our support. You can order a maximum of 6 individual IPs. Various subnets are also available.

Description Price Setup
Per individual IP address €2.50 €10.00
/29 IP subnet (8 IPs, 6 usable IPs) €20.00 €80.00
/28 IP subnet (16 IPs, 14 usable IPs) €40.00 €160.00
/27 IP subnet (32 IPs, 30 usable IPs) €80.00 €320.00
One-time setup fee per IP address €10.00
Price table IP addresses Dedicated Server

Please note that we need to know the purpose for ordering additional IP addresses. If we consider the purpose to be not meaningful, we may reject the order. This could be the case, for example, if the same result can be achieved through intelligent port usage. Therefore, please include your purpose directly in your support ticket.

How can I shut down my dedicated server?

A dedicated server can’t be managed as easy as a virtual server. A virtual server is able to start quickly because it is part of a physical system.

Dedicated servers have to support special motherboard-commands so they can get remotely started. Not every motherboard of our dedicated servers are supporting this. That’s why you shouldn’t shut down a dedicated server at all. We may have to send a technician to start the server manually. This can take some time.

If you have shut down your server by accident – feel free to contact our support.

When will my ordered dedicated server be available?

Usually your dedicated server will be available in less than 15 minutes. We automated the provisioning but if there went anything wrong at the payment or automated deployment it could take a little longer.

As soon as the server is available, the IP-address can be seen in the webinterface. Then you can equip your server with an operating system.

Feel free to contact our support if the deployment takes longer – so we can give you information about the order status.

What is Load? (Load-Average)

Load describes how much work a Linux operating system has had to handle in the past 1, 5, and 15 minutes. The load is primarily composed of CPU, RAM, and disk work, but there are other factors involved as well.

In general, it can be said that the load is “1” when a core is so busy that no further tasks can be handled in real time. So any value above 1 means that tasks had to wait for processing.

If you have 2 cores, for example, a load above 2 is an indication that tasks are waiting in a queue. At this point, tasks are no longer executed “live” because the task queue is full.

You can check the load on your server using the “uptime” command. The last 3 values describe the load average. If these values are higher than the number of your cores, your server is overloaded. In that case, you should consider upgrading your resources.

If you have any questions about this topic, please contact us through a support ticket. We will be happy to assist you.

Can I install Windows on my Dedicated Server?

Yes, you can install Windows for free and automatically on your Dedicated Server.

This automation may not work on some AMD systems. In such cases, a technician will handle the installation according to our installation service. Alternatively, you can receive a free KVM console with a pre-configured Windows USB stick.

How to Install Windows

The installation of Windows is provided automatically.

You can install the following Windows versions:

  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019

We provide your Windows server with a 180-day trial license. You need to arrange a proper license yourself.

During the installation, we perform the following steps for you:

  • Basic installation of “Server Standard Core” with GUI
  • Formatting all hard drives
  • Installing on hard drive “0”
  • Setting the password as specified in the web interface
  • Enabling Remote Desktop
  • Disabling enhanced IE security settings

This process usually takes 10-20 minutes, depending on the hard drive speed.